Client Description
Jomo Trip Limited is an Irish-based company established in early 2019 that began as a start-up project to organize outdoor trips, activities, and events – based on the idea to revolutionize the travel industry by providing a choice of activities that else could not be found anywhere.
Client Background
For the past two years, Jomo Trip Ltd has one main target on their list: building and developing a web platform for events and activities. Jomo's owner, Dimitar Latzovski, shared that all the lessons learned during the early development phase were quite expensive for the company. Eventually, JomoTrip's goals found a technological match in CodeCoda's custom development solution and now enjoys its numerous benefits.
Business Challenge
JomoTrip promotes and organizes team-based outdoor activities and uses social platforms as a primary liaison between all the participants. The online platform uses social apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, or Viber to connect users, while location-based data becomes possible through data provided by Google Maps. Our challenge at CodeCoda was to combine the two elements in the most convenient way for the user. Initially, the overall User Experience had to be re-designed. Optimization effort was taken by creating User Personas and extensive research to provide the optimal outcome.
An extra effort was made when developing the search functionality, customizing selection options, and making it easier for adventurers to neatly personalize their trip and consider all important factors needed for its planning.
Project Details
Client Goals
Our client needed a platform where users can quickly access updated information about various events worldwide and quickly organize their trips along with other willing participants. On, people can actively search for exciting new outdoor venues by selecting spots that ideally fit their set preferences or special conditions. Adventures are even more fun when you do them alongside other like-minded people, and JomoTrip understands that aspect entirely. The web platform also helps local business owners follow tourists' activity closely in their respective areas of operations. The platform also comes furnished with a communication channel they can use to connect with potential new customers.

Development Challenge
JomoTrip was initiated long before CodeCoda's development team took over the project. Its founders acknowledged that their company had encountered incredible difficulties during the project's initial steps. Most of the problems were due to unresolved developmental challenges and an additional strain from the constant rotation of various development teams. Eventually, JomoTrip turned to CodeCoda, recognizing our team's ability to face the requirements with the necessary dose of attention to detail. As a result, today, we have the finished platform for travel and adventure, ready to roll its well-grinded cogwheels and start making an impact in the world.
What we find unique about JomoTrip is the core idea of map-based interactivity. We used Google Maps for our worldwide events, each with their specific trip-related details, all available at first glance. Upon registration, you can immediately pull up the world map, start searching and planning for exciting new trips. Every event spot comes with useful local info about local weather conditions, accommodation options, and even a live camera stream. JomoTrip supports a massive catalog of outdoor activities and intelligent search functionality to narrow down your choices quickly. With this web platform, people can finally customize their adventure down to the last detail.

Project Value delivered by CodeCoda
JomoTrip creates opportunities for people who always wanted to get on an adventure but rarely found the opportunity to organize it properly. When it comes to outdoor recreational events, experiences are much better when shared with friends, but our busy lifestyles often sabotage our plans. JomoTrip understands this problem and preserves the quality of a good adventure by finding team members for the experiences you like. JomoTrip is an excellent example of how digital social media can be used to promote a healthier lifestyle. It is an incredible source for precious memories and works as a stepping stone for many exciting new friendships.